Weekly Announcements
January 26, 2025
The flowers on the Altar are given by Priscilla Caster in loving memory of her father Jack and for her friend Mr. Lewis on his birthday.
ALL ARE WELCOME! Come to Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall following the 10 a.m. service! If you are visiting, please sign the guest register and fill out one of our WELCOME cards found on the back of the pew and place it in the offering plate. We treasure your presence with us.
Sunday, January 26
Annual Meeting and Election of New Vestry Members
Our Annual Meeting will be held following the 10:00 a.m. worship service on January 26.
We begin with a joint church service at 10:00 (NO 8:00 am service), followed by a potluck brunch, election of new vestry members, and presentation of annual reports. Vestry will provide egg stratas—please bring your favorite potluck side dish such as bread or fruit.
Every year at our Annual Meeting, our congregation elects 2-4 new people to serve on our vestry for a 3-year term. This is a group of ideally 12 people who share in the leadership and fiduciary responsibility of St. Paul’s. Currently, our vestry members are Doug Pepe, Katie Murphy, David Van Mantgem, Jennifer Murray, David Rust, Brian Griffiths, Terry Rochioli, Marilyn Williams, Fred Walter, Jim Gibbony, Rob Whelan, David Rust, & David Walker. This year, Katie Murphy and Terry Rochioli will be stepping down, and we will be electing 2 people to fill their place. If this is a ministry you feel God may calling you to, please reach out to Mother Sally or to one of the vestry members named above to find out more about what vestry service entails.
Saturday, February 8, 9:00 – 4:00, Parish Hall
The Enneagram and the Spiritual Life
A Workshop by William D. Glenn, MA, MDiv
The Enneagram is an ancient system of personal growth within a complex typology of relationship, in wide use since the 1970’s, originally by spiritual directors at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, now taught from many perspectives in churches, universities and even corporate world to enhance self-understanding and interpersonal communication.
William Glenn, newly ordained Episcopal transitional deacon, was introduced to this map tool for spiritual direction as a young Jesuit. He recently completed twelve years of annual workshops at The Bishop’s Ranch and taught this dynamic system from a spiritual perspective to many hundreds of people over the last four decades.
Registration limited to 30 persons with a suggested donation of $50 for lunch and the support of St. Paul’s outreach ministries.
Register now (707-433-2107) and look forward to an experience that will engage your mind, your heart, and your soul!
Wednesday, February 12, 5:30 pm, Moss Room in Paul Mahder Gallery
Lectio Divina and Potluck Dinner
This service is a contemplative time of reflection and prayer followed by a potluck dinner. The service will be led by Sonia BeckDoss, a psychologist who specializes in Community Health. “Are you a dreamer and interested in exploring your dreams further? I will be introducing you to a dream intervention I call “Dream Quilting” to help you enhance your understanding and appreciation of your dreams. We will utilize the practice of Lectio Divine to slow way down and listen carefully to one person’s dream and utilize writing and image making to shed light on what the dream may be offering. This will be an interactive activity for those who choose to participate or for those who just want to witness and observe the process. Anyone is welcome.”
Sunday, February 16, 5:00 pm
Organ Concert by Paul Blanchard
Our own Music Director, Paul Blanchard, will perform organ music for Epiphany and the Feast of the Presentation based on the chorales: Wie Schön Leuchtet, Vom Himmel Hoch, and Mit Fried und Freud by composers: JS Bach, Dieterich Buxtehude, Samuel Scheidt, Heinrich Scheidemann, Max Reger, Ernst Pepping and Healey Willan.
2025 Altar Flower Chart The altar flower chart is up in the Parish Hall! To reserve your special date/dates, write your name on the line which corresponds to your chosen Sunday. Another option is to contact the office (707.433.2107) or email Shelley Rust for availability. A member of the Altar Guild will call for your dedication shortly before your special date. We are happy to announce the price of the Altar flowers will remain at $35 this year. Please write Altar flowers on the memo line of your check, which can be turned into the office or placed in Sunday’s offertory plate.
Online Giving Using Cell Phone
Here is an easy way to make a donation/payment to St. Paul’s from your cell phone by sending a text message!!! For example, if you want to donate $50 from your checking account or on a credit card, send a text to 73256 with the text message of…STPAULHB 50. You will receive a reply back saying, “You’re almost there”. A link is then provided to your Giving Account at St. Paul’s. At this point, you specify the fund (Outreach, Pledge, etc.). Call church office if you have any questions, 707-433-2107.
Community Ministry Update
Needed Items: Water
Year to Date: 30 showers and 81 lunches
Weekly Sunday Dinner: 50 – 60 meals per week
Held at St. Paul’s Church
Hosted by Churches of Healdsburg Shared Ministry
Thank you for your ongoing donations of goods and time!
Small Church, Big Heart, Big Impact
Ask us how you can get more involved! (707-433-2107)
On Going Announcements
Our Ministries Are In Operation!
Choir Rehearsal
Tuesday, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, St. Paul’s Church
Bible Study
Wednesday, Noon, Parish Hall (Zoom, option)
If you wish to join in with Zoom, please send an email request to the church by Wednesday morning: office@stpauls-healdsburg.org. You will then receive an email invitation with instructions how to join Zoom. We study the lectionary texts for the upcoming Sunday.
Mass in the Moss Room, An altar in the world
Wednesday, 5:30 p.m.
Paul Mahder Gallery, 222 Healdsburg Ave.
Second Wednesday of each month we have a Lectio Divina followed by a potluck dinner.