
Weekly Announcements

July 28, 2024

The flowers on the Altar are given by John and Elizabeth Taylor in celebration of their 59th year of marriage.


ALL ARE WELCOME! Come to Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall following the 10 a.m. service! If you are visiting, please sign the guest register and fill out one of our WELCOME cards found on the back of the pew and place it in the offering plate. We treasure your presence with us.

Summer Service Schedule
June 2 through Sept. 1

10:00 am service only (NO 8:00 am)

Sunday, July 28, 12:00 pm, home of Denny and Katie Murphy
Parish Picnic

The picnic will be held at Denny and Katie Murphy’s home following the 10 am service. Please bring a side dish to share such as a salad or dessert.  In lieu of the picnic, there will not be any coffee hour.

Sunday, August 4, 4:00 pm
St. Paul’s Hosts Sunday Meal

Katie Rosson is looking for volunteers to help with set up, serving, cooking, and clean up. If you can help, please call Katie at (510) 289-1604 or email her at  Katie needs VOLUNTEERS!

Wednesday, August 14, 5:30 pm, Moss Room in Paul Mahder Gallery
Lectio Divina and Potluck Dinner

This service is a contemplative time of reflection and prayer followed by a potluck dinner. Our service will be led by Kathryn Song using sound meditation. Come and experience the gentle, stringed instrument called the Monolina, and be restored through relaxation so you can remember, through your bodies, what moves you. 

Thursday, August 15, 11:30 am
Home of Vickie Latimer, 632 Johnson St., Healdsburg
ECW Meeting and Luncheon

Join us for a delicious lunch hosted by Vickie Latimer and her daughter, Heather Oehm.  Please RSVP by Tuesday, August 13 by calling the church office, (707) 433-2107.

Sunday, September 8, 5:00 pm, St. Paul’s Church
Organ Concert

The 2024-25 Music Series kicks off with an all J. S. Bach organ concert performed by Jonathan Dimmock. Jonathan is recognized internationally as a concert artist and is one of the few organists in the world to perform on six continents.  Locally he plays weekly at the Legion of Honor Museum where he is the Principal Organist as well as the Organist for the San Francisco Symphony.

Coffee Hour Opening
The following date is available for signing up, August 25. Remember it doesn’t need to be fancy—something sweet and something savory will be very appreciated by everyone!

List of CPR/AED/First Aid Certifications
The Emergency Preparedness Team at St. Paul’s is compiling a list of parishioners who are certified in CPR, First Aid, or AED. Please let the office know if you are certified in one of these areas. This will help us if a need arises.

Jewelry for Holiday Boutique
Even though the Holiday Boutique is still a few months away (Nov. 23), you can bring in your donations of jewelry for the pricing committee to begin packaging and pricing.

St. Paul’s Cookbook 
Many thanks to everyone for the abundance of recipes for our church cookbook. Over 200 recipes have been submitted!
We are now at the stage of pre-ordering cookbooks which will be available in the fall. Sign up sheet is available during coffee hour or you can call the church office, 707-433-2107.

Food Drive
Due to the success of the Lenten Food Drive of our Sunday School, we will continue accepting donations for the Healdsburg Food Pantry. Bring donations to the church and we will get them to the Pantry!

Education For Ministry (EFM)
EFM might be called Exploration for Ministry. It’s a small-group program where you’ll explore the Bible, Christian history, and Christian theology, as well as what YOU believe and what Ministry means for you in today’s world. Though we read the bible and other books EFM is not a Bible study nor a book group. Along with prayer and study, through a process called Theological Reflection you’ll have guided conversations on a wide variety of topics that will help you understand your faith, views, and values. It’s a lively sacred space where everyone participates! EFM is not intended as a path to ordination; rather, EFM encourages participants to ask, “What is my personal ministry? How do I interact with the world?” The EFM program is the longest ongoing formation program in the Episcopal church, almost 50 years! To learn more or join a group, contact: Barbara Phillips-Barrett at

Rector's Sabbatical:  At bottom of announcements are Q and A's about Mother Sally's upcoming Sabbatical.

Online Giving Using Cell Phone
Here is an easy way to make a donation/payment to St. Paul’s from your cell phone by sending a text message!!! For example, if you want to donate $50 from your checking account or on a credit card, send a text to 73256 with the text message of…STPAULHB 50. You will receive a reply back saying, “You’re almost there”.  A link is then provided to your Giving Account at St. Paul’s. At this point, you specify the fund (Outreach, Pledge, etc.). Call church office if you have any questions, 707-433-2107.

Community Ministry Update

Needed Items:  men's white socks, athletic style

 Year to Date: 774 showers and 1,287 lunches

Weekly Sunday Dinner: 50 – 60 meals per week

Held at St. Paul’s Church

Hosted by Churches of Healdsburg Shared Ministry

Thank you for your ongoing donations of goods and time!

Many thanks to Healdsburg Food Bank, Farm to Pantry, Healdsburg Senior Center,

and the community at large for the food we are able to hand out throughout the week.

Small Church, Big Heart, Big Impact

Ask us how you can get more involved! (707-433-2107)

About Our Rector's Summertime Sabbatical

Our Rector, The Rev. Sally Hanes Hubbell will be on a Sabbatical leave this summer, enjoying some much needed time away for spiritual reflection and renewal. Below are some questions and answers about this leave and what you can expect while Mother Sally is away.

How long will the Rector be on Sabbatical?

Mother Sally's Sabbatical is for a period of 13 Sundays, from June 4th through September 4th.  We  look forward to welcoming her back on Sunday, September 8th. 

Will Services continue while she is away?

Yes—a full worship service will occur each Sunday, at 10:00 am, (our usual summer schedule) and Wednesdays at 5:30 pm (Paul Mahder Gallery). We will have Assistant Priest, Pastor Jim, Priest Associate, The Rev. Linda Clader, as well as additional supply priests, who will preach and lead the Eucharist during the Summer Sabbatical period.

Will St. Paul's offer its regular activities while the Rector is away?

The Vestry and church staff are making preparations to provide for the ongoing common life of St. Paul's church during Mother Sally's time away. This includes visits by Lay Eucharistic Visitors, the continuation of the Shower Ministry, Bible Study, Wednesday service, and other activities that typically fill our summer calendar. We have access to back up Priests, in case of an emergency. Please contact the church office if you have a specific question or emergency need this summer. 

How do we reach Mother Sally while she's away?

We love our priest, and she loves us, but...we won't be in touch with her over her Sabbatical!  The point of this time away is for clergy to recharge their energy through quiet time spent in reflection and retreat.  

She's definitely coming back!

The terms of the Sabbatical are outlined in the written contract between St. Paul's and the Rector. We look forward to her return in September, and to continuing our shared ministry with her well into the future. 

What impact does the Sabbatical Leave have on St. Paul's annual budget?

It has no impact.  Financial planning for this Sabbatical has been on-going. 

St. Paul's has been setting aside funds for this in coordination with the Diocese since the first year of our contract with our Rector.  While on Sabbatical, a Rector receives their usual compensation.  There is no additional cost to this year's budget to provide for supply Priests while Mother Sally is on Sabbatical. 

What can I do to assist during the Sabbatical? 

Please keep Mother Sally, her family, and St. Paul's in your prayers this summer.  Please remember your Vestry and Church staff in prayer as they provide leadership in the weeks ahead, and remember the many volunteers that make contributions as well. This is an important season in our common life and our ministry continues even while our Rector is away.  We will joyously welcome her back in September. 

Your Sabbatical Planning Committee

Jennifer Murray Linda Maxwell Jim McCammon Doug Pepe 



On Going Announcements

Our Ministries Are In Operation!

Choir Rehearsal
Tuesday,  6:30 – 8:00 pm, St. Paul’s Church (None during summer)

Bible Study 
Wednesday, 3:45 p.m. (Zoom) (None during summer)
If you wish to join in with Zoom, please send an email request to the church by Wednesday morning: You will then receive an email invitation with instructions how to join Zoom. We study the lectionary texts for the upcoming Sunday.

Mass in the Moss Room, An altar in the world
Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. 
Paul Mahder Gallery, 222 Healdsburg Ave.
Second Wednesday of each month we have a Lectio Divina followed by a potluck dinner.