
Weekly Announcements

February 23, 2025

The flowers on the Altar are given in celebration of our St. Paul's community.

ALL ARE WELCOME! Come to Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall following the 10 a.m. service! If you are visiting, please sign the guest register and fill out one of our WELCOME cards found on the back of the pew and place it in the offering plate. We treasure your presence with us.

Tuesday, March 4, 5:30 pm, Parish Hall
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

We are looking forward to our traditional Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper! Come and enjoy a wonderful meal of buttermilk pancakes, sausage, and fruit salad — dinner will be served from 5:30 – 7:00 pm for the bargain price of $5 per person. 

Wednesday, March 5
Ash Wednesday Services: Noon and 6:00 pm

        (Note—No Bible Study or 5:30 pm service at Mahder Gallery)

Wednesday, March 12, 5:30 pm, Moss Room in Paul Mahder Gallery
Lectio Divina and Potluck Dinner

This service is a contemplative time of reflection and prayer followed by a potluck dinner. The service will be led by Larry Robinson, a poet and retired psychotherapist. He uses the oral tradition of poetry to help restore the soul of the world.

Thursday, March 13, 11:30 am, Parish Hall
ECW Meeting and Luncheon

Join us for a delicious lunch hosted by Elizabeth Taylor, Vickie Tucker & Debbie Poulnot.  Please RSVP by Tuesday, March 11 by calling the church office, (707) 433-2107.

Sunday, March 16, 5:00 pm
Choral Evensong

Our choir has been learning a beautiful new set of Preces & Responses by late Rennaissance English composer Richard Ayleward (1626-1669). They will also sing a Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis by Caleb Simper (1856-1942). The anthem is Teach Me O Lord, by David Hurd, who is widely recognized and admired as one of the foremost concert organists, sacred music composers, and church musicians in the US. He is Organist and Choirmaster of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin in New York City and remains a greatly sought-after composer of hymns, choral works, and organ works.

Seeking Lay Ministers
Are you feeling called to greater participation in our common life? We are in need of lay ministers in the following areas:
         Acolyte, Lay Eucharist Minister, Usher, Shower Ministry, Soups on Tuesday   
Call (707-433-2107) or e-mail the office ( if you’re interested!  

2025 Altar Flower Chart The altar flower chart is up in the Parish Hall! To reserve your special date/dates, write your name on the line which corresponds to your chosen Sunday. Another option is to contact the office (707.433.2107) or email Shelley Rust for availability. A member of the Altar Guild will call for your dedication shortly before your special date. We are happy to announce the price of the Altar flowers will remain at $35 this year. Please write Altar flowers on the memo line of your check, which can be turned into the office or placed in Sunday’s offertory plate.

Online Giving Using Cell Phone
Here is an easy way to make a donation/payment to St. Paul’s from your cell phone by sending a text message!!! For example, if you want to donate $50 from your checking account or on a credit card, send a text to 73256 with the text message of…STPAULHB 50. You will receive a reply back saying, “You’re almost there”.  A link is then provided to your Giving Account at St. Paul’s. At this point, you specify the fund (Outreach, Pledge, etc.). Call church office if you have any questions, 707-433-2107.

Community Ministry Update

Needed Items:  Water

 Year to Date: 88 showers and 221 lunches

Weekly Sunday Dinner: 50 – 60 meals per week

Held at St. Paul’s Church

Hosted by Churches of Healdsburg Shared Ministry

Thank you for your ongoing donations of goods and time!

Small Church, Big Heart, Big Impact

Ask us how you can get more involved! (707-433-2107)

On Going Announcements

Our Ministries Are In Operation!

Choir Rehearsal
Tuesday,  6:30 – 8:00 pm, St. Paul’s Church

Bible Study 
Wednesday, Noon, Parish Hall (Zoom, option) (Not on Ash Wednesday, March 5)
If you wish to join in with Zoom, please send an email request to the church by Wednesday morning: You will then receive an email invitation with instructions how to join Zoom. We study the lectionary texts for the upcoming Sunday.

Mass in the Moss Room, An altar in the world
Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. (Not on Ash Wednesday, March 5)
Paul Mahder Gallery, 222 Healdsburg Ave.
Second Wednesday of each month we have a Lectio Divina followed by a potluck dinner.





209 Matheson St
Healdsburg, CA 95448
