September 2024 Book Selection: The Soul of an Octopus
July 19, 2024, 12:00 AM

Good morning readers!

What wouldn't we give for a rain shower or two...?!

We had a fine time discussing The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store Monday evening. I'd say we all enjoyed the book but it wasn't a huge hit. There are lots of characters, lots of plot lines criss-crossing, lots of cultural themes, and told from a locale we didn't know anything about. It was interesting to read how the different waves of immigrants and second generation freed slaves all learned to live in a delicate harmony. This is something we still struggle with in our times. Embracing diversity and believing in the dignity of every human being.

Our next selection is, The Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery. She is a noted marine biologist sharing her insight into these amazing creatures. Last year we read a fictional account of an octopus, Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt and loved it. This is an actual account of Montgomery traveling across the US encountering octopuses (not octopi) in many different aquariums. What she came to realize is that each animal has its own personality, memory, likes and dislikes.

Here are some reviews of the book:

“Enter the mysterious intelligent alien world of the octopus. Experience a real intelligence based on a sense of touch that humans can barely imagine.” -- Temple Grandin, author of Animals in Translation

"Renowned author Sy Montgomery's latest gem is a must read for those who want to dissolve the human-constructed borders between "them" (other animals) and us. Surely, there are large differences among nonhuman animals and between nonhuman and human animals, but there also are many basic similarities. Connecting with other animals is part of the essential and personal process of rewilding and reconnecting with other animals, and The Soul of an Octopus is just what is needed to close the gap." -- Marc Bekoff, author of The Emotional lives of Animals

"Diving deeper than Jules Verne ever dreamed, The Soul of an Octopus is a page-turning adventure that will leave you breathless. Has science ever been this deliciously hallucinatory? Boneless and beautiful, the characters here are not only big-hearted, they're multi-hearted, as well as smart, charming, affectionate...and, of course, ambidextrous. If there is a Mother Nature, her name is Sy Montgomery." -- Vicki Constantine Croke, author of Elephant Company

Can an octopus have a mind and emotions, let alone a soul? Sy Montgomery faces these questions head-on in her engaging new book as she explores the world of octopuses, making friends with several and finding heartbreak when they die. They aren't, she discovers, simply brainless invertebrates, but personable, playful, conscious beings. Montgomery's enthusiasm for animals most of us rarely see is infectious, and readers will come away with a new appreciation for what it means to be an octopus." -- Virginia Morell, author of ANIMAL WISE: How We Know Animals Think and Feel.

The book is available in all formats on Amazon, the Library and at Levin & Co.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, Sept 3rd at 7:00pm. If you would like to host please let us know!

